Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Old CRANKY man!

This KID CRACKS me up!!!

But apparently not everyone:)
So ... today, we went to Tom's Drive-in (a local hamburger joint that we go to about once a week). As I was getting ready to order, Liam and Quinn asked if they could go get a table and highchair. When I went to go to our table ... Q had pulled up and climbed into his highchair at a table that we normally sit at .... however, there was an old man sitting next to him (or shall I say Q was sitting next to the man at the corner of the table in his highchair) I laughed and said oh buddy it looks like you found a friend, but we will have to find a different table today while I slid him to the next table ... Well Q's new friend was NOT amused with Quinn at all ... he kept giving him cold looks every time Q would turn and smile at him ... I was actually sad. I figured if an almost two year old Q can't make you even crack a smile ... you haven't and probably won't smile for a long time. That is so sad!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I often wonder what goes through people's heads when they can't even give a smile . . . Last fall I was walking with Anya Rashi in downtown L.C. and got the fish eye from a few older ladies. The only thing I could figure was that it was because we have different skin colors, and that bothered them? I am so not oversensitive about that, but the looks were NOTICEABLE, yo.

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